Crane Song LTD


Compressor Attack Time:
FAST; measured by doing 18 dB of Gain Reduction. The time to 18 dB of Gain Reduction is less than 1 mS. 12 dB of the 18 are reached in .4mS.
SLOW; for 6 dB of Gain Reduction, 100mS

Compressor Release Time:
FAST; From 12 dB of Gain Reduction to No Gain Reduction. 11 of 12 dB are reached in 50mS (Non Program Dependant Release)
SLOW; 20 sec for a full 12 dB release with PDR enabled.

Limiter Attack Time:
less than 1 uS.

Limiter Release Time:
60mS for 6 dB of Gain Reduction.

Maximum Signal Level:
Input or Output, +25 dBm

Noise Floor: -88 dBm measured 20Hz to 2OkHz

Frequency Response: 5Hz to 55kHz (Hara Mode)

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